Definition, Tips and Its Important Role in the Business World

Definition Tips Multitasking is one of the words you may often hear when talking about productivity. This word is one of the skills that must be possessed when working. This skill allows workers to be more productive in the office.

However, there are also those who say that multitasking is not good to do. Well, on this occasion, we will explain about multitasking completely for you.

Understanding Multitasking Is

According to  The Balance Careers page , multitasking is the art of quickly changing focus from one job to another alternately.

The ideal function of multitasking is to speed up the process of completing work so that you are not overwhelmed by having to change focus quickly and precisely.

On the other hand, Very Well Mind has a different understanding of multitasking. They explain that multitasking is a word that has several meanings.

The first definition, multitasking is doing two or more tasks at the same time. The second definition, multitasking is doing a quick shift of focus from one task to another.

In addition, the official Inc page adds that multitasking is an individual’s ability to complete a particular job at one time.

So, we can conclude that the essence of multitasking is to complete several jobs at once. This applies both at the same time or switching between one task to another alternately in a relatively short time.

Such a method is believed to be able to increase a person’s work productivity. However, there are many pros and cons related to this multitasking technique.

Pros and Cons of Multitasking

Applying multitasking in everyday life can indeed make your work easier. when doing several jobs at one time, you will use less time than usual. For that, the time you use to work will be shorter and your work will feel more efficient.

However, there are also many who say that multitasking is a way that can reduce a person’s productivity level. Reported from the  Monster and Health pages , some of the reasons why multitasking reduces work productivity are as follows:

1. It actually reduces productivity

By multitasking, you are potentially losing 40% of your productivity. The feeling that you can complete tasks by multitasking is often just a illusion.

Even if you do two or more tasks in different ways, you are not doing them in a good way.

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So, if you are reading email while listening to a voice message from your coworker, then you will lose focus.

These two tasks you have to repeat over and over again, and they will never be finished.

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2. More Efficient, But Not Effective

Another bad effect of multitasking is the minimal effectiveness of work in it. So, if you do two tasks simultaneously at one time, then the results of the work will often not be optimal. This is because you are not fully concentrating on one job, so your mind will be divided.

In addition, your focus will also decrease. Well, this decrease in focus will decrease the quality and also your work.

3. Increases Stress

You must always be ready to do anything continuously to increase the stress you feel. In addition, stress will also arise because you do two jobs at one time. That means, the workload will increase twofold.

These are some of the pros and cons of multitasking. After reading them carefully, you might ask, what is the best way to reduce the negative effects of multitasking? Because, multitasking is often something that cannot be avoided.

To overcome this, we will provide tricks that you can do when applying multitasking.

Difference Between Multitasking and Task Switching

Many studies have reported that multitasking is a difficult thing to do. Such as a study conducted at Stanford University and published by hungary business email data Psychology Today   which reported that multitasking is not really possible.

Meanwhile, research from Clifford Nass reports that when people are asked to do many things at once, they will be able to focus better on changing their names properly.

Multitasking does seem cool at first glance and can be used as an effective way to do many tasks. According to the Very Well Mind page , multitasking can reduce your productivity level by as much as 40%.

This happens because the human brain does not have a good ability to do many tasks at the same time.

So, task switching is a more effective skill than multitasking. You can do many jobs alternately so that your brain can focus on doing the job.

Meanwhile, if you multitask, you will not be able to focus and it will be difficult to produce maximum work.


Thus is our complete explanation of multitasking. So, multitasking is an art of quickly changing focus from one job to another alternately. Its function phone number bl is to speed up the completion of work so as not to be overwhelmed by having to change focus precisely.

If you intend to do multitasking, then you must be able to digest the pros and cons related to doing this multitasking. But don’t worry, if you are required to do multitasking, you can use the tricks above so that the work done by multitasking can run effectively.

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