”Let me say that. What I’m about to say will be controversial, and some people may get angry. I don’t intentionally cause controversy for the sake of controversy, and I’ve had people tell me that I’m a nice person. Well, I just want to tell the truth and show you what the blogosphere really is. table of contents People who make money by teaching them how to make money It doesn’t matter if it’s good Being good is important. Break the rules. His site earned $3.5 million in 2009 and is expected to make more than that in 2010. money by selling courses like Teaching Sells and WordPress themes like Thesis.
He also posts weird affiliate links on his Twitter
Ilike Brian and wish him success, but he makes money by telling people how to make money. Whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing, I want readers to know that fact. Steve Pavlina is one of the world’s indonesia mobile number top self-help bloggers . Some of his articles are some of the best I’ve ever read on the topics of productivity and motivation, but he also makes money by teaching you how to make money. ing. He promotes software and other products by writing in his diary, but by his own admission, his biggest earner is promoting products he didn’t make. ing . An example of such a product is Site Build It. Steve links to products in multiple articles and writes reviews of over 2,000 characters. Steve earns over $100,000 a month from his blog.
So you can see that he’s not wasting his time promoting
These products. Leo Babauta runs a popular blog called Zen Habits . With over 160,000 subscribers, he is also one of the famous bloggers, so there is no way he doesn’t have merit. With so many readers, he Finland Telegram Number List was able to promote his e-books, including Zen to Done. I’m sure he made a lot of money doing it, but would it make as much money as his $285 course called A-list Blogging? I am no exception. I also earn a lot of money by teaching . There is a famous saying, “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.” However, the people I have introduced so far are able to do it, and they both practice it and teach it. I have a lot of respect for these people.