Are the pages receiving links highly reliable? Is there also a relationship between the pages? An analysis of links across the Internet revealed that the Internet has hubs and authority sites, each with its own community of information. Google was the first to fully implement this into its search engine algorithm. — Link management has become an important part of SEO. — Various companies have been implementing SEO by thinking about “creative ways to obtain links.” … Current SEO is ・HTML page text ・Link data and anchor text In addition to, ・Social media – tagging, bookmarking, reviews, etc. has also become important. But we need to evolve further. … Now let’s think about Internet users. There are three types of user behavior: 1. Informational – gathering information 2. Navigational – knowing the site you want to visit 3.
Transactional taking a specific action
There are two types of user behavior data: ・User search keywords ・User page transitions Google has evolved to the point where it can analyze the above to determine the usefulness filipino phone numbers of search results. It doesn’t just analyze search queries and search results click rates and dwell times on search engines. , but have you ever thought about how much information the toolbar provides to Google? … Is it even possible to understand the user’s intentions? For example, Google can formulate the following hypothesis: If a keyword search related to purchasing a product is performed (e.g., “computer mail order”), is it really necessary to display organic search results in the first place? It might be okay if they were all AdWords product advertisements. Google is actually experimenting with something like this.
Add a plus button to your AdWords ad, and when
You click it, the ad area expands to fill the screen with product photos and links. It may be more convenient for users than insisting on producing organic searches. … What does the Honduras Whatsapp Number List future hold for search? ・The ratio of UGC (user generated content) to professionally created content is 5:1. There is an overwhelming amount of UGC. – The search experience will become more advanced and convenient. ・Demand for various types of information will expand. ・Continues improvement through feedback loop. The biggest change may be a dramatic increase in the amount of people searching for information on social networks. The number of searches on Youtube may already exceed that of Google.