The result is a fluid unstable environment

We are adopting a strategy to Although highly effective, “authority bloat” works by damaging the original site owner. In particular, if another SEO company with some. Competitive research skills also enters the same field and tries to increase the overlap in competing backlinks, the negative impact will be even greater. In such a situation, this seemingly “tasty” domain authority/homepage authority will. Be much higher than it actually is – because an SEO company would automatically imitate the exact same link. Because it can be done.

As a result, the entire field has developed

Into a state of link siphoning and no real content, other than products in name only. And to survive in a field of aggressive competitor analysis, this process must continue. table of contents Secondary indonesia phone number market growth Appearance of Mr. Penguin Avoid authority bloat Create an irreproducible link. Profile instead of a weak copyable link profile Secondary market growth Of course.This phenomenon benefits site owners. Not site owners who have to invest large budgets to buy links to maintain the value of their sites and stay competitive. These are the people who order work (guest posts) to sell/reproduce links. The benefits therefore flow to a system of link sales (particularly in travel, finance, and design), where site owners increase prices while lowering the cost of creating content – ​​to appeal to search engines.

In which people fight desperately for what they

Phone Number

Consider to be “high authority/page rank/relevance” garbage. Needless to say, this is because your competitors are also getting the same links. This system of “bloated authority” does not exist in other Benin Phone Number List industries, and it must be said that it is a deplorable system. It creates a thin Internet polluted with bad links. Bhird-rate content, and a system that favors link buying and selling, which is reducing SEO margins.

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