Involve in a particular business

Andris Reinman has been involve in open source projects for about years and some time ago he wrote the EmailEngine Email API client an email client for applications not for people for convenient integration of email into any application or service so that clients We didnt bother setting up SMTP and IMAP and everything worke out of the box. EmailEngine Email API The open source program was first available under the free AGPL license for installation on your server and the MIT license cost per year.

Then the author completely Involve in a

Switche to a commercial license and in the first month he sold  seven licenses. Then he gradually increase the cost to and the number of users did not decrease. The current Netherlands Mobile Number List cost of a license is per year so a dozen or two dozen clients is enough for an Estonian to live on. Andris says he use to be a romantic fool when he wrote open source and even refuse donations from large commercial users in order to maintain independence and not sell out.

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With age his views on life change

Somewhat especially when someone elses startup Nodemailer base on his open source software sold for million. It turns out that money is not as evil as youn Netherlands Whatsapp Number List enthusiasts think. And only the transition to a commercial license albeit open source provide a stable income. Or about the same story. Programmer Ellie Huxtable also quit her job for her open source project.

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