A service it is likely not an appropriate

In the privacy policy and legal terms. For example YNAB warns users that if they choose to link a financial account to the app they acknowlege and agree to the terms of the applicable privacy policies of those partners that facilitate that process. In addition users expressly grant aggregator partners the right power and authority to access and transmit reasonable information to provide services. Who are these financial aggregators Plaid MX and TruePlayer. These companies are responsible for transferring the history of banking transactions to the application. They act as a link between the application itself and the bank and it is to them that we transfer our bank details.

Users more precisely with advertising

At the users direction YNAB gains access to transaction data such as date payee amount etc. as well as account details such as account name balance interest rate etc. explains YNAB. Plaid for example connects our financial accounts with fintech Bulgaria WhatsApp Number List services like YNAB. Separately they gain access to a large amount of data our name email address telephone number date of birth address bank account number sometimes employer information loan information including repayment period interest rates payment plan account balance and list transactions.

Firebase which are also use by

Plaids privacy policy states that the information collecte may be use to make inferences For example we may determine your location or your annual income base on information we have collecte about you from you or from other sources. This means that base on the data they Belgium Phone Number List collect they create a financial profile of their users which can then be use by services like YNAB to offer them a specific type of service. Splitwise an expense sharing app also uses Plaid Technologies Inc. for some of its services to collect enduser data from financial institutions. Users grant Plaid the exact same right power and authority to act on your behalf to access and transmit.

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