collecte from the corresponding nodes. . of . To collect them you nee to make a request to the Kubernetes API. Example event manifest apiVersion v kind Event count metadata name standardworker.ebf namespace default reason Registere Node involveObject apiVersion v kind Node name standardworker uid fbcdecdb message Registere Node standardworker in Controller Events have fields reasonand count which allow them to be treate as metrics The field reasoni dentifies the event. The field countacts as a counter and increases as subsequent events are recorde.
Curves for Random server
But events can also be collecte as traces because there are fields first Timestam pand last Time stamp. That is you can create complex Gantt charts that help you understand what is happening in the cluster. Events also contain humanread able messages field message that is they can b Poland WhatsApp Number List collecte in the form of logs. Thus Kubernetes can collect pod logs node service logs and events. If negative effects occur they immeiately ask PR writers to fix the problems as spee remains a key priority for the Vector team. Finally Vector is a flexible building block more on that below.
learning From the sandbox
Architecture Vector As a processing tool Vector collects data from various sources. It either makes requests to other systems itself or acts as an HTTP data receive from other tools. Next Vector converts the logs it can change messages discard them or combine several Belgium Phone Number List messages into one. It then forwards them to a storage system or queue Vector architecture diagram collecting logs converting them and sending them VRL language examples Vector comes with the powerful Vector Remap Language VRL a language that allows you to perform all sorts of transformations. Lets take a quick look at VRL and start with log filtering. The VRL filter below cuts off logs with severityequal to info transforms.