Customers to retain a complete

There are services whose main task is to draw such a conclusion from what they know about you. Deleting your account does not mean deleting your data It is not a trivial matter when we say that as users we have almost no knowlege of how our data is processe. This becomes even more important when we talk about financial data which means getting into peoples personal sphere and how they spend their money. We were especially stung by this admission when we learne that one of the companies we submitte a data request to provide us with a copy of the personal data they hold. about another user.

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In this particular case we requeste data via DSAR from one of the applications of a user who left the service several months ago. The company told us that since the person delete the account it no longer stores financial data. However they save a file with some personal Colombia WhatsApp Number List data such as email address IP address location usage time device data as well as budgeting features that were activate by the user. For example if the user was planning a budget for vacation or retirement. All of this information but from a different user was provide to us in response to our DSAR request.

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The firm only notice the error when we became confuse and pointe out discrepancies with the situation of our actual data donor. It turns out that like the person who voluntarily provide us with his information for this investigation the victim of the leak also Latvia Phone Number List delete his account. But not in like our data donor but in when he close his account after a month of free trial. Image Sample from a set of user data we receive from the app company about the wrong user. Personal information has been censore.

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