From a technical point of view

From a technical point of view Validation rules are associate with a business action not an entity. What does the service model The question may arise if a service is part of a domain layer then what does it model Imagine a store without an information system where all orders are place on paper. You come to an employee say I want to buy this this and this he draws up From a technical point of view a document with the order. The paper document does not fill itself out it is fille out by the employee. The document does not control the correctness of the data it is controlle by the employee. But he does not set the rules for filling he only follows them.

Like a processor executing a program

He learne them from someone else as did all the other employees. The rules for creating an order are set by the business owner. The business writes instructions on how to Russia Mobile Number List place an order and all employees study it. So a service with business logic is an instruction model. Purpose of the article We looke at several small business activities. The point of this article is to show that services are always neee and you cant migrate everything thats in them without essentially complicating the code and breaking abstraction layers.

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The main difficulties are forwarding

Dependencies ensuring consistency of actions with data stores and logic associate with lists of entities. The article is not specifically about DDD but about any understanding of logic in essence. Everyone understands it differently and tries to fit it there and this gives a Russia Whatsapp Number List less correct model of business requirements and accordingly complicates support. The article is not about the fact that entities must necessarily be anemic but about the fact that this does not fundamentally change anything. Setting multiple properties of an entity can be place in one entity method but this is not business logic.

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