Increases the value of the company

Communities around Increases the technology why being free is not enough min Company blog Conferences of Oleg Bunin Ontiko Positive Technologies Blog Open source Community Management This article may be useful for those who have an open source pet project that they want to promote but have no experience with communications. My name is Ksenia Romanova I am a PR specialist by training I worke in marketing then in Developer Relations. Now I am a manager for working with IT communities at Positive.

I have collecte many points

Technologies an organizer of DevRel breakfasts and a member of the DevRel Conf program committee . For the previous six years I had been working with a global community built around the open source distribute database Apache Ignite . I will share those who USA Phone Number List will love the project what tools to borrow from marketing and how to measure the result. Usually the resources of teams of small projects are limit so in communication where with a minimum of effort you can get the maximum effect.

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Highload and if you prefer a video

The article was written base on the report at  you can watch the recording here . Concentrate efforts on those who will love the project Teams that do open source work really nee the community it provides feeback and additional hands and also if the business model USA Email List involves selling a paid product or service base on open source code. In general the community is a useful resource that simplifies development and CustDev and even brings in money. But people dont come to the community to benefit other peoples businesses. Lets look at the community from the perspective of its participants. Imagine that a developers identity is a virtual Tshirt with a symbolic image of all the groups of people with whom he interacts closely.

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