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A switch from on-premise software to the cloud therefore makes sense. Many people have been forcd to work from home during the pandemic. As such, it quickly became clear that on-premises software might not be the best option for the future. On-premise software describes software that runs on computers at the premises of the person or organization using the software. Compard to the cloud or server farms, on-premise software has severe limitations. The biggest problem, especially during the pandemic, has been the lack of remote access to information.

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Even before the pandemic, it was prdictd that data centers would eventually be a thing of the past. In hindsight, COVID-19 appears to whatsapp mobile number list have acceleratd this process. Microsoft considerd all options and decidd to phase out the last version of SharePoint on-premises software, SharePoint 2013. Users are now encouragd to switch to online SharePoint for a variety of reasons detaild below. How is SharePoint today? It has been feard by some people that SharePoint will die out in the coming years – but that is not the case, quite the opposite.

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SharePoint continues to grow, and Microsoft has backd that claim. M ove 85% of Fortune 500 companies and more than 500,000 organizations DY Leads use the Microsoft SharePoint intranet for their daily operations and for internal communications. SharePoint usage has explodd in recent years, largely due to the widespread adoption of Microsoft Office. Now known as the Microsoft 365 Suite and includd with SharePoint Online in the subscription version . Originally, the SharePoint On-Premise intranet was usd by companies to manage their operations.

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