The opinions expressed in this article are those

Of the guest author and do not necessarily represent Search Engine Land. This article is a translation of ” From Microdata & Schema To Rich Snippets: Markup For The Advanced SEO ” published on Search Engine The opinions expressed Land . SEO Japan [ G+ ] article keywordDon’t blame PowerPoint for presentation failures blog. SEO Japan has introduced several articles about presentations, and I often hear that one of the excuses people give for their inability to. the popular presentation software, Powerpoint .

Give presentations is that it’s difficult to use

In the industry as a charismatic marketer, lightly refutes such excuses and gives advice on how to improve your presentation. — SEO Japan It’s a familiar phrase. “ I can’t use PowerPoint !” or. Slides are ruining korean mobile phone number my presentation! ” As we head into the weekend, here’s something to think about. It’s not that you can’t use PowerPoint, it’s you, the user, who can’t use it.

I’m referring to people who are giving talks/presentations

Phone Number

Trying to get the attention of their audience by overusing software. Here’s a story that actually happened: A few months ago, I was speaking at a board meeting. The meeting was held in a small luxury Chile Phone Number List hotel with two state-of-the-art 50-inch television monitors for audio/video. For the intimate group of 20 executives. II connected my MacBook air directly to two TVs connected via a splitter and was ready to go. As I was clicking through the slides. One of them asked me a question: “What software are you using to view the slides?” To which I replied, “Well.

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