Complete itself so the anemic

I have Complete itself come across many situations where the principle logic should be in entities is taken to an absolute level and what should be in the use cases is place in the entity which. Is why the code gradually becomes more complicate and becomes unsupportable. For example I was advise to make essentially a public field sentEmails. In order to store letters create by a business action there then retrieve them with a special code and actually send them. Another example is filters on an entity list page.

Entity properties are details Complete itself

This is exactly business logic the operation of the fields is discusse at the business level. For example If a value is entere. In the Text filter field the following product fields must be Kuwait Mobile Number List checke for the presence of text with a complete match name description SKU manufacturer. This logic also cannot be place in an entity it is. In no way connecte with the values of the fields of a separate object. Filter logic is often place in a repository. The repository should not contain business logic this is not its responsibility.

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Additionally a list page requires

A number of pages or a total number of records whereas a repository is typically expecte to simply have an array of objects. Therefore it is correct to place this logic in a service that will process filters sorting and pagination according to the data from the HTTP. Request and return Sri Lanka Whatsapp Number List all the necessary data to display the page not just an array of entities. The service will use the Query Builder to set up a query against the data store and submit it to the repository. Common Arguments I would like to comment on some common arguments that are given in favor of logic in entities.  of its implementation that nee to be hidden. This is wrong If the properties of an entity were details of its implementation.

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