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We may use the service in a European country. We requeste access to the data donors information by proxy and directly aske YNAB which recipients they share this information with. They answere this second question as follows We disclose personal information to the following recipients analytics services email services cloud services financial data aggregation services registration services cloud security services marketing services payment processors and customer support services. In response to our request the company also said that while it discloses personal data to recipients locate outside the data subjects country of residence who use appropriate safeguards to protect personal data it did not provide further information about what that is.

Appropriate legal basis if people

Guarantees and where the recipients are locate. Something similar is happening with Splitwise an app that allows users to split bills track debts and control expenses with other people such as friends family members housemates etc. who themselves have an Bolivia WhatsApp Number List account on the app. Splitwise serves individual users who nee to track cash flow across multiple share expenses and groups of users who nee to coordinate joint spendingexpense sharing. Unlike other apps we examine for this report this service cannot connect to a users bank account. The application belongs to the American company Splitwise Inc. registere in Delaware and base in Rhode Island and is also available to users in Europe who are subject to the protection of the EU GDPR.

It is share with third parties

However by accepting the privacy policy and terms of use Splitwise users locate in the EU automatically consent to the transfer of their data to the US and other countries where data protection rules may not comply with the GDPR. Splitwises terms of service state that users agree that the privacy policy will be interprete in accordance with the laws of the State of Massachusetts Bolivia Phone Number List in the Unite States. Data processing between the EU and the US complies with the EUUS and SwissUS privacy framework agreements which offer companies operating in these territories mechanisms to comply with data protection requirements when transferring personal data in support of transatlantic trade.

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