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Two social networks this gave some increase in users but did not improve the overall financial performance of the project. However even without achieving meteoric success with Loopt Altman manage to benefit from it. Firstly in he and investors sold this project for . million and secondly Y Combinators excellent organizational abilities and knowlege in the IT field did not go unnotice and in Sam was offere to collaborate with this startup accelerator on a permanent basis. Two years later Altman was electe president of Y Combinator. In addition he founde his own venture fund.

at the initial stage

A number of economic reforms. First under the auspices of the accelerator he organize the Y Combinator Research laboratory into which he investe million from his personal savings the laboratory was researching the future of IT eucation urbanism and Kazakhstan WhatsApp Number List unconditional basic income. In September Sam founde the YC Continuity equity fund to finance Y Combinator companies while at the same time managing the popular portal Redit although for only eight days. In the same year Forbes magazine name Altman the best investor under the age of . This year turne out to be a turning point in Sams life since it was then that he met Elon Musk Tesla and Space.

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After talking they decide that the future of high technology lay in artificial intelligence. The result of this communication was the birth of the company OpenAI . OpenAI In fact at first no one really understood what OpenAI was really planning to do and what commercial Brazil Phone Number List benefits could be derive from artificial intelligence products. Hydrazine Capital designe to develop technology startups. Y Combinator As president of Y Combinator Altman introduce.

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