If something fundamentally changes

How it was done We considere several options such as organizing a queue a separate release cluster or a cluster namespace for each team. But with so many teams a huge amount of resources will be require and the complexity of deployment and support will also increase. We settle on one solution which we calle Feature Branches . We have already partially use this solution for the fronts that develope web. It had to be refine and scale for development for Andriod iOS as well as for the backend. Before we get into the technical details a little terminology.

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Feature instance service instance for which routing rules are configure. Feature name feature name attribute for routing to feature instance. Feature branch a set of feature instances unite by one feature name. Master branch default branch set of release versions. The implementation Israel WhatsApp Number List of the solution may vary but we use Kuber and Istio. Istio has separate resources that are responsible for routing Virtual Service VS and Destination Rule DR. Each feature has its own DR and VS routes traffic between them. For example the DR for demoapi for the master branch looks like thisAnd now we come to the basis on which HTTP requests are route namely.

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The presence of the HTTP header XFEATURENAME is taken into account. Since in VS in the match section the presence of this header in the request is checke for an exact exact match of its value with feature then the request will fly under the . Services can be combine into a chain if they are deploye with one feature name. Moreover if there is no specifie feature in the service call chain then the request will go to the default subset because not a single matching section in VS will work. Untitle Untitle This Istio configuration is present not only for each back but also for the microfront.

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