In C and not use the standard

Serverspace is a cloud service provider that provides virtual servers running Linux and Windows. OS for rent in data centers Russia Belarus Kazakhstan the Netherlands. Turkey USA Canada and Brazil. To build an IT infrastructure the provider also offers creation of networks gateways backups. CDN services DNS S object storage .Collecting logs in Kubernetes using Vector advantages architecture real cases Average min K VK company blog Flant company blog Kubernetes Case Hi all Maxim Nabokikh architect and technical director of Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform is in touch. In November I spoke at VK Kubernetes.

The standard library may be

Conf where I talke about how we make log delivery to Kubernetes reliable and faulttolerant using Vector. This article is a text version of my report. We have been using Lebanon WhatsApp Number List the Vector observability pipeline builder tool to collect logs in the Deckhouse Kubernetes Platform for a long time. We successfully use it in the production environments of various clients and get great pleasure from working with this tool. Today I want to share our experience so that those who work with Ks feel the potential of Vector and can take advantage of its benefits in their work.

One does not even want to

Well start with a quick overview of what types of information can be collecte in Kubernetes. Then well talk about Vector its architecture and why we like it so much. At the end Ill share practical examples from reallife experiences with Vector. Logs in Kubernetes The main Canada Phone Number List purpose of Kubernetes is to run and manage containers on nodes. At the same time containers are usually develope in accordance with Herokus factors translation on Habr in simple words about factors . Lets figure out exactly how logs are processe in Kubernetes who else generates them and where these logs are store.

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